

Package Composition

Fastkit is divided into a Vanilla JS implementation that can be used in a variety of situations and a plugin implementation for use with commonly used frameworks and libraries. Use the explorer to find the tools you need.

Package Name
accept-languageInternationalizationSmall parser that parses Accept-Language headers and sorts by quality.
async-controlA helper implementation that efficiently controls asynchronous processing.
cache-controlHelper implementation for plugging cache controls into a JavaScript implementation.
catcherCustom classes for Type-safe handling of exceptions in your application.
colorColorValue object implementation for controlling "color".
color-schemeColorAn implementation to control the schema associated with "color".
color-scheme-genColorGenerator for generating "color" schemas.
cookiesHelper implementation for universal server/browser control of cookie headers.
durationValue object implementation expressing "duration".
eslint-configlintfastkit recommended eslint settings.
eslint-config-vuelintfastkit recommended eslint configuration for vue applications.
evA helper that plugs a simple, type-safe event emitter & observer into your favorite implementation.
hashed-syncNode.jsFileCompare and synchronize the status of entire files and directories by hash value.
helpersA small collection of helper implementations for processing primitive values and objects.
i18nInternationalizationA library for localizing applications into multiple languages, regardless of the server/browser execution environment.
icon-fontIconHelper to handle icon definitions for Type safe.
icon-font-genIconA tool to generate icon web fonts and their definitions Type-safe for your application.
keyboardUI & ComponentsObserver implementation to handle keyboard input to Type safe.
media-matchUI & ComponentsSchema for Type-safe handling of media query breakpoints.
media-match-genUI & ComponentsA tool to generate Type-safe media query breakpoint schemas.
node-utilNode.jsUtilities for Node.js server and tool implementation.
nodepackNode.jsA small bundled tool for developing Node.js server and tool implementations.
rulesValidationUniversal validation library that works in server/browser.
scrollerUI & ComponentsLibrary for controlling the scrolling state of DOM elements.
sprite-imagesImageTools for generating sprite images.
stylebasecssVariations of the base CSS implementation recommended by fastkit.
stylelint-configlintfastkit recommended stylelint settings.
stylelint-config-vuelintfastkit recommended Vue application stylelint settings.
tiny-loggerLogA small logger to display the application logs just a little bit nicer.
universal-loggerLogPluggable and universal log output library for any server/browser execution environment.
visibilityUI & ComponentsA library to watch the visible state of the browser window.
vite-kitViteA collection of toolkits for vite application setup.
votVotFrameworkOrchestration tools for building Vue applications.
vot-i18nVotInternationalizationLibrary for multilingual localization of vot applications.
vue-app-layoutVue.jsUI & ComponentsComponent implementation to control the overall layout of the Vue application.
vue-color-schemeVue.jsColorA library for using Type-safe "color" schemas in Vue applications.
vue-form-controlVue.jsUI & ComponentsBasic form implementation library for Vue applications.
vue-i18nVue.jsInternationalizationA library for convenient and type-safe handling of vue-router.
vue-loadingVue.jsUI & ComponentsLoading component for Vue applications.
vue-locationVue.jsCustom classes for Type-safe handling of exceptions in your application.
vue-media-matchVue.jsUI & ComponentsLibrary for handling Type-safe media query breakpoint schemas in Vue applications.
vue-pageVue.jsMiddleware for more convenient control of routing in Vue applications.
vue-scrollerVue.jsUI & ComponentsA library for controlling the scrolling state of elements and components in Vue applications.
vue-stackVue.jsUI & ComponentsLibrary for displaying dialogs, tooltips and menus in Vue applications.
vue-utilsVue.jsUtilities for efficient development of Vue applications.
vuiVue.jsUI & ComponentsA simple, extensible UI kit for Vue applications.